Touchdown with the latest SIS Grass Hybrid technology at Green Bay Packers


3 October 2018


The Green Bay Packers


The Green Bay Packers, a legendary NFL team with a rich history, required an advanced pitch solution to enhance player safety and improve field performance at their home stadium, Lambeau Field.


The Green Bay Packers needed:

  • A reinforced hybrid turf system to improve pitch stability and durability.
  • A playing surface that maximises player performance and safety.
  • Quick and efficient installation with minimal disruption to their schedule.
  • Installed the SIS Grass Hybrid system using durable polyethylene fibres designed to blend seamlessly with natural turf.
  • Utilised laser-guided technology for precision fibre injection, completing the project in just 7 days.
  • Delivered a hybrid pitch capable of handling increased playing hours while ensuring consistent performance.
green bay packers hybrid grass field

In July 2018, the Packers became the first NFL team to adopt SIS Grass hybrid turf technology. The new SIS Grass pitch gives the Green Bay Packers a superior playing surface that combines durability, stability, and player safety. As the first SIS Grass installation in the United States, it marks a milestone in advancing field technology for professional football. The surface ensures faster recovery times and improved consistency, meeting the high-performance standards of this iconic NFL team.

We are excited to announce the completion of this pitch as our first SIS Grass project in the US! Our SIS Grass technology will significantly improve the pitch quality and recovery time so the surface will be more consistent and perform better which was the main objective for this client.

Ivo Lamot, Director, SIS Pitches

sis grass hybrid stitching green bay packers
sis grass hybrid stitching green bay packers
sis grass hybrid stitching green bay packers


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